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Why We Need Dr. Brown

It is time we recommit our city to Dr. Brown. We renew our commitment to our city’s future and Montgomery Public Schools when we renew our commitment to Dr. Brown. If we do not recommit and renew Dr. Brown’s contract, we risk losing his transformative leadership to other school districts.  Dr. Brown is an established, sought-after and recognized national leader whose work for Montgomery public schools must continue for our benefit.  We cannot allow other school systems to steal his promise from us. Our progress must continue.

Dr. Brown: His Success is Our Success.  

When Montgomery Public Schools win, we all win with higher student achievement, a highly educated workforce, better jobs, an expanded economy and tax base, and improved quality of life.  In the 18 months since his hiring as superintendent, he has made progress and transformed the school system's operations and finances. He has hired a new Chief Academic Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and 18 new principals to achieve his vision for success, and we are already seeing the positive impact of these changes.


Positive Change You Can See

Dr. Brown is doing the hard work, the necessary work we hired him to do: revamp, revitalize and reenergize Montgomery public schools. He is accomplishing all this while facing significant challenges, including resistance from the status quo and those who prioritize politics over our children's education. Despite these obstacles, he remains steadfast in his commitment to offering the best educational opportunities for our children and holding staff, teachers, and principals accountable for those results.


More Schools Coming/Programs Rebuilding

Four more schools will be built by 2026. More teachers for Advanced Placement courses, arts and music, career tech, English, math and reading specialists are being hired.  In addition, more security staff are being hired to keep our students safe.


50 New Art and Music Teachers

Our arts and music programs are making a comeback. Because of state intervention, many Montgomery programs were scaled back, but now Dr. Brown is rebuilding these essential classes.


Graduation Rates/Career Readiness Scores Improve

Graduation rates for Montgomery Public Schools are up 12 percent, while Career Readiness scores have jumped 16 percent. 


Dr. Brown Balanced the Budget, First in 20 Years.

For the first time in two decades, the Montgomery Public Schools has a balanced budget with a surplus under this leadership team. This is a significant financial achievement after years of mismanagement. 


Dr. Brown Created a Budget Surplus for our Schools

Montgomery Public Schools attained the state-required one-month fund balance over the last four years. The District is still projecting more than three times the state-required general fund balance for the upcoming Fiscal Year.  In addition, all Alabama State Department of Education financial mandates over the last five years have been met (monthly reconciliations, timely budgets and monthly and annual financial statement submissions.) Montgomery Public Schools has received a perfect audit opinion for the last two years with zero audit findings. 


Dr. Brown Eliminated Waste/Restored Financial Stability

Dr. Brown has made substantial progress in a short 18-month period. He has successfully balanced the budget, eliminated wasteful spending, and improved operational efficiency. These achievements have restored financial stability and paved the way for future educational programs and resource investments. He has brought financial transparency to the taxpayers of Montgomery, ensuring that our tax dollars are used efficiently and effectively for our children.


Dr. Brown Created Safer Schools/More Student Discipline

Under this administration, school safety has improved. He is adding or repairing more than 1,000 security cameras. Dr. Brown created new safety rules for all Montgomery Public Schools sporting events, including allowing no unaccompanied minors, requiring adults to have identification, no smoking at games, and no loitering. Dr. Brown implemented school IDs for all campuses, new attendance policies and restrictions on cell phone usage.  


Dr. Brown is a Nationally Recognized Education Leader. 

He is a leader with integrity, vision, empathy, and a deep commitment to the success of every Montgomery student.


Dr. Brown: Building Strong Community Partnerships

Dr. Brown believes in the power of collaboration and mutual support. He has forged strong relationships and partnerships with business leaders, the military community, local businesses, and educational stakeholders. These partnerships have created a substantial commitment between our schools and communities, fostering a shared vision for the future of Montgomery's education system.  


Dr. Brown: It’s time to stop fighting and start building the best schools for Montgomery students. 

And that is precisely what Dr. Brown is doing.  It is time to put our children's interests above the obstructionist's self-interest. 


Continuity in Leadership Is Critical to School Success.

In the 18 months since his hiring as superintendent, Dr. Brown has assembled a new leadership team and made incredible progress in improving the school system's operations and finances. We must build upon our schools' outstanding progress in the last two years. Renewing Dr. Brown's contract is about acknowledging his past achievements and ensuring the continuity of his leadership. This continuity is crucial to maintaining the positive momentum and progress we have seen under his tenure. And this continuity in leadership will drive our schools toward greater success and excellence.

Paid for by MGM NXT PAC • POB 3833 • Montgomery, AL 36109

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